Our Unique Services

Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology is a method of examination that uses muscle testing to determine how a person’s body is functioning. This technique helps our doctors determine the best form of therapy for you. AK integrates many complementary therapies. These therapies include chiropractic adjusting, acupuncture, nutrition and herbs and craniosacral release to provide a holistic approach.

Just as body language is communicated through posture, posture itself depends upon muscle tone. By testing muscle tone, our doctors are able to tap into this body language. In the hands of our highly skilled practitioners, muscle testing becomes more than a mechanical tool but an actual form of listening and communicating to your body in its own language. This enhances our doctors’ abilities to find and treat the causes of pain and/or dysfunction.

Craniosacral Release

Patients are often shocked when they come in with a pain in one area of the body and then our doctors start a treatment through gentle manipulation of their skull instead of that area. They are even more shocked when the doctor goes back to reassess the tenderness in the original area of complaint and finds that the tenderness is gone without the doctor having worked on that area.

At other times, when a muscle is both tight and weak at the same time, doctors will also look at the cranium. When the joints of the cranium jam it creates a reflex which impacts muscle tone, strength and coordination throughout the body. Craniosacral release therapy restores healthy communication between the brain and body, which in turn restores muscle function, relieves pain and promotes healing. The manipulation of the cranium is performed with gentle stretching of the cranial joints. Patients find this technique to be very calming.

Needle-less Acupuncture and Magnetic Biofeedback

In general people know acupuncture can be useful to treat many, many different things. Mostly, when people think of acupuncture, they think of needles inserted into specific points in the body. However, traditional Chinese medicine is much broader than that. It has evolved over the last 5000 years and is still evolving today, including from Western influences. The Japanese popularized using magnets over acupuncture points. Dr. Krauss found that he could combine the use of magnets over acupuncture points with muscle testing (applied kinesiology). Furthermore, the set of points chosen to use for treatment could be more accurately tailored to an individual patient as opposed to recipe formulas that are so often used. He began to call this response magnetic biofeedback. Patients found this approach particularly effective in relief of their myofascial and other pain symptoms, allergies, stress relief and autoimmune issues.

As Dr. Krauss continued to explore this phenomenon, he found that the body would self-correct once it had been shown how it was dysfunctioning if it was neurologically stimulated to treat that dysfunction. (Neurologic stimulation can be achieved through stimulating nerve endings, which in turn signal the brain to change the magnetic response.) He found that using the magnetic biofeedback before doing the neurologic stimulation dramatically improved results, compared to doing the neurologic stimulation on its own.

Dural Manipulation

Dural manipulation is a new form of Chiropractic manipulation that provides results that are often not achieved under the old school approach of what a misalignment is. Most of the time when chiropractors are talking about spinal misalignment, they are talking about the position of one vertebrae at a time. Even when a chiropractor is working with postural curves such as in scoliosis, the actual manipulation still involves one vertebrae at a time. Dural manipulation is different.

In dural manipulation, the focus is on the space and the tissues between the vertebrae. In fact, the spinal nerve roots as they leave the spinal cord they must pierce through a tough membrane called the dura. This dural sheath is continuous around and through the brain and down along the spinal cord, and it anchors into the tailbone. Torque on that sheath in one area of the spine can affect the function of nerve roots somewhere distant from the offending torque.

The torque is relieved not by adjusting one vertebrae at a time but by adjusting two or more vertebrae simultaneously in a manner that stretches the muscles, ligaments and dural sheath between them. Our doctors know how to identify where an offending torque might be found even though it is not where pain and weakness is experienced. It is also gentle and many
patients prefer it because of its gentleness.

Line Pattern Exercises

There are times when a person’s recurring pain is caused because the brain is stuck in a maladaptive posture or coordination pattern that is subtle and hard to find. The line pattern system is a shortcut that helps our doctors to not only quickly find these maladaptations but also to identify which exercises will repattern the brain's coordination of movement. It works because the brain is a holographic organ. Therefore a dysfunction in one system will show up in another. For example, a dysfunction of movement coordination also shows up in visual processing of lines. Our doctors identify and treat these subtle coordination issues by testing the patient’s reaction to looking at different line patterns.

For example, whenever the right and left sides of the body are not functioning in a unified manner a person will react to visualizing an “X”. These people are at risk for injury and chronic pain because of the subtle dysfunction of movement found in this test. Once identified, our doctors can teach patients line pattern exercises specific to them so as to retrain their nervous system and repattern their coordination of movement. Frequently these types of exercises are more to the patient’s need than those that improve muscular strength.

Sequential Muscle Testing

Sequential Muscle Testing is used to test the interrelatedness of the muscles. The muscle testing depends on patterns of motion that can be thought of as the “blueprints of motion”; for instance, there are patterns for walking, for throwing a ball, for posture control while seated, and so on. This approach differs significantly from traditional muscle testing, which focuses on one muscle at a time. However, by testing only one muscle at a time, the individual muscles may indeed be working fine – but muscles don’t work in a vacuum. Muscles work in relation to other muscles – rather more like an orchestral movement than a train rolling on a track. For instance, the way the big toe flexes and how a person holds their head up while walking are interrelated. Sequential Muscle Testing is very useful not only in solving pain patterns but also in improving sports performance.

Fascial Manipulation and Myofascial Release

Patients with pain or loss of motion from injuries, surgery, bad posture, repetitive stress conditions or trauma have found fascial manipulation to be very beneficial. The fascia are connective tissue fibers, primarily collagen, that form sheets or bands beneath the skin to attach, stabilize, enclose, and separate muscles and other internal organs. Fascial manipulation is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying pressure into the
myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. Dr. Jedidiah Krauss is certified by the Fascial Manipulation Association and has studied the work of Luigi Stecco, the noted inventor of fascial manipulation.

Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create myofascial restrictions that can produce debilitating pressures on pain sensitive structures that do not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.)

The use of fascial manipulation allows us to look at each patient as a unique individual. Our one-on-one therapy sessions are hands-on treatments during which we use a multitude of fascial manipulation techniques and movement therapy.

Chiropractic in a Nutshell

When we are stressed physically, chemically, emotionally, or all of the above, our bodies adapt with defenses. These defenses include muscular tensions and misaligned joints anywhere in the body. This is why we can feel pain, stiffness and tight muscles. Since these misalignments also affect our nervous system, they cause our bodily functions to become less efficient and more disorganized. Overall, misalignments can weaken our resistance to disease and our body’s ability to tolerate stress. We don’t necessarily feel it at first, but as this progresses within us we feel aches, pains and other symptoms of ill health. Chiropractic manipulation is aimed at correcting these misalignments and restoring health by improving the function of our nervous system.

Ailments We Can Help You With

In Alphabetical Order

Auto accidents
Back pain
Brain fog
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Chronic ear infections
Chronic fatigue
Chronic injuries
Degenerated discs
Disc injuries
Food intolerances
Gastrointestinal issues
General pain
Jaw pain
Joint pain
Lack of concentration
Lifting injuries
Low energy levels
Lyme disease
Memory issues
Mood swings
Neck pain
Pregnancy symptoms
Slips and falls
Sports injuries
Subclinical infections
Tennis elbow
Toxicity issues
Vaccine injuries

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